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Migration-related Indicators: Tracking progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the Seventh National Five-Year Plan

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IOM, in close coordination with the Government of Bangladesh, supported the development of migration-related indicators to track progress towards migration-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Seventh Five-Year Plan (SFYP). The initiative has been undertaken through the project, “Bangladesh Sustainable Reintegration and Improved Migration Governance (Prottasha)”, implemented by IOM and funded by the European Union. Based on consultations with key government agencies, international agencies, development partners and think tanks, as well as a review of national documents on the SDGs and the SFYP, a list of national indicators have been developed to improve national monitoring and performance in the migration sector, aligning the indicators already in the SFYP with the corresponding SDG indicators.

  • Foreword 
  • Message from the Senior Secretary 
  • Acronyms
  • Glossary 
  • Executive Summary 
  • Chapter 1
    • 1.1. Introduction 
    • 1.2. Objective of the study 
    • 1.3. Methodology 
      • 1.3.1. Review of relevant literature 
      • 1.3.2. Collection of primary information 
    • 1.4. Challenges 
  • Chapter 2
    • 2.1. The SDGs and migration 
    • 2.2. Seventh Five-Year Plan (7FYP) (2016–2020), migration and links to the SDGs 
    • 2.3. 7FYP migration-related indicators 
    • 2.4. SDG indicators and data on migration 
    • 2.5. Reporting on SDG indicators 
    • 2.6. Review of SDG migration-related indicators according to relevant targets 
    • 2.7. Additional recommendations for incorporating the national indicators into SDG and 7FYP implementation 
      • 2.7.1. Conclusion
  • Bibliography