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Migration Policy Practice (Vol. VI, Number 4, October-December 2016)

Special 5th Anniversary Issue

The fifth special anniversary issue of Migration Policy Practice focuses on “safe migration”. Based on the situation in Europe and the neighbouring countries, it explores how data on both “safe” and “unsafe” migration could be collected in a more systematic fashion. The theme of this special issue was chosen, in particular, in response to the growing challenges faced by the international statistical community in finding ways to define and measure “safe” and “unsafe” migration, including within the framework of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that was adopted in 2015.

The articles in this issue of Migration Policy Practice, which were first presented and discussed at an international workshop organized by IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre in June 2016, provide examples of innovative work that is being carried out by IOM, UNICEF and the Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat (RMMS) to gather data on the risks that migrants face during their journeys and on arrival at their destinations.

As the journal celebrates its fifth anniversary, the editors would like to invite readers to spare a couple of minutes to participate in a short readers’ satisfaction survey. The purpose of this survey, which can be taken anonymously, is to help us identify our readers’ profiles, the institutions they represent and their primary interests in our journal. The survey responses should contribute, in particular, to adjusting and improving, as appropriate, the journal’s contents, style and readers’ experience. Should you wish to participate in this survey, please click here.

  • Introduction: Understanding and Measuring Safe Migration by Solon Ardittis and Frank Laczko
  • Defining safe migration: The migrant’s perspective and the role of sending countries in research and data collection A case study from IOM Iraq by Benedetta Cordaro
  • Opportunities and challenges for existing approaches to measuring and monitoring human trafficking by Harry Cook and Eliza Galos
  • Perspectives on safe migration: The case of irregular and unsafe migration from the Horn of Africa by Bram Frouws
  • IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix in the context of migration flows to Europe by Debora Gonzalez
  • Measuring safe migration for children: The experience from the UNICEF response to the refugee and migrant crisis in Europe by Tsvetomira Bidart, UNICEF Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States
  • Publications
  • MPP Readers’ Survey
  • Call for authors/Submission guidelines