Original Language
Number of Pages
171 pages
Reference Number
Year of Publication

Migration Initiatives Appeal 2010

Migration Initiatives 2010 outlines IOM’s proposed activities for which funding is needed. The 2010 appeal totals approximately 1.2 billion US dollars for various projects in areas such as emergency and post-crisis operations, migration health, economic/community stabilization and development, voluntary assisted return and reintegration, counter-trafficking, technical cooperation, labour migration, policy consultation, research, and international migration law.

Current global demographics, labour market requirements, economic trends and North–South disparities are expected to perpetuate large-scale flows of people in the twenty-first century. Growing migration pressures resulting from the effects of climate change add to the urgency of tackling challenges in migration management. IOM aims to remain at the forefront of efforts to respond to these challenges by continuing projects already initiated and developing innovative approaches. The goal is to ensure orderly and humane migration for the benefit of both migrants and the society. 

Indeed, as the global economy recovers from the recent crisis, the role of properly managed migration as a catalyst for economic growth and long-term development has never been more prominent –  and this is reflected in IOM’s programmes and activities presented for financial support in Migration Initiatives 2010. 

  •  Foreword by William Lacy Swing
  • IOM Strategy
  • Annotations
  • Africa
  • Middle East
  • Americas
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Multi-regional 
  • Migration Policy and Research Programmes
  • Consolidated Appeals 2010
  • Summary of Funding Requirements by Region