Original Language
Number of Pages
126 pages
Reference Number
Year of Publication

Migration Initiatives Appeal 2008

Migration Initiatives 2008 outlines IOM’s planned activities for which funding is required in the coming year. Since the publication of last year’s edition, new migration challenges have arisen in various areas of IOM operations.

The year 2008 will see a continuation of efforts already initiated in 2007 centred on the nexus between migration and development. The first Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD), hosted by the Government of Belgium in Brussels in July 2007, contributed to greater understanding of the issue and the practical ways in which States and the many other actors involved in migration and development can contribute to making progress in this important domain. The discussions will no doubt continue at the next GFMD, which is to be hosted by the Government of the Philippines in Manila in late 2008.

Attention to the current or potential impact of environmental factors on population mobility, as well as the effect of population mobility on the environment itself, is likewise growing worldwide. Within IOM, one of the highlights this year was Member States’s adoption in June of a strategy document, which represents the role, direction and priorities IOM Member States see for the Organization in the next year and are reflected in the programmes and activities in Migration Initiatives 2008.


  •  Annotations
  • Foreword
  • IOM Strategy
  • Africa
  • The Middle East
  • Americas
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Multi-regional
  • Migration Policy and Research Programme
  • Consolidated Appeals 2008
  • Summary of Funding Requirements by Region