Original Language
ISBN 978-92-9068-479-4
Number of Pages
Year of Publication

Migration in Georgia: A Country Profile 2008

“Migration in Georgia: A Country Profile 2008” is part of a series of migration profiles produced by IOM Budapest within the “Black Sea Consultative Process on Migration Management” project, funded from IOM’s 1035 Facility. Georgia is primarily a country of origin of migrants with flows directed mainly towards the Russian Federation, United States, Greece, Germany, Turkey, Austria, and a number of other EU member states. The 2002 Census shows that since the 1989 Census, Georgia lost almost 20 per cent of its population to emigration. It has the second highest net migration proportion after Kazakhstan in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Georgia is a source, and to some extent, a transit country for trafficking in human beings, and to a lesser extent, a transit route for irregular migration.

  • List of tables and figures
  • Acronym list
  • Foreword
  • Executive Summary: General Assessment of Migrant Issues
  • Immigrants
  • Emigrants
  • Remittances
  • Migrant communities/diasporas
  • Irregular migration
  • Assessment and analysis of migration issues