Migration in the Black Sea Region: An Overview 2008
Migration Profiles provide a means to identify information gaps and to develop strategies to enhance data collection and data-sharing through the analysis of information and data available on immigration, emigration, irregular migration, labour market conditions, skills shortages, diasporas and remittances, refugees and asylum seekers, victims of trafficking, return migration, policies associated with these and so on. Recognizing the importance of Migration Profiles, IOM Budapest developed the project “Black Sea Consultative Process on Migration Management”, funded from the IOM’s 1035 Facility in September 2007. The project was implemented jointly with Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), based in Istanbul, and the IOM Geneva Research and Publication Units.
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- Acronym list
- Foreword
- Introduction
- Migration profiles
- Migration data: Comparability, quality and limitations
- Regional analysis of migration in the black sea region
- Migration policy recommendations for the black sea region
- References
- Annexes