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Mexico: Public Policies Benefiting Migrants

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This book is one of the outcomes of the Dissemination and Strengthening Project for Grupos Beta and Programa Paisano as Examples of Successful Partnerships Benefiting Migrants, which was put together and implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Mexico, and financed by IOM's 1035 Facility. This project was designed to disseminate the Government of Mexico's experience in the field of attention to migrants and to document the beneficial impact that partnerships with different levels of government and civil society have had on this vulnerable population. It aimed at encouraging and promoting the exchange of practical and operational experience among participants at the fourth Global Forum on Migration and Development, which was organized in November 2010 by the Mexican Government. 

Mexico provides a point of reference worldwide for migration issues, bringing together multiple factors and perspectives relating to migration: it is a country of origin, transit, destination and return for hundreds of thousands of migrants every year. Documenting the experience and insights developed through the implementation of these two programmes supported by the Government of Mexico has allowed for the preparation of this document. The book outlines the operational underpinnings of both programmes and provides for instances where this knowledge may be valuable in replicating them, such as in programmes for the benefit and welfare of migrant populations in similar contexts at other latitudes. 

Both Grupos Beta and Programa Paisano have been identified as best practices promoting the protection of migrant communities in Mexico. The field experience of operational personnel of the two programmes has been recorded to provide a general overview of the processes that led to their initial establishment and the partnerships that were created around each in order to widen the scope, reach and effectiveness of these initiatives. 

The text and photographs in this book, reflect the context and historical background of migration in Mexico and the actions taken by both programmes to offer information to migrants – whether Mexican or from elsewhere – and to protect their human rights. This book also emphasizes the partnership building done by each programme, an achievement that ensures their continuity and compliance with Mexico's migration policy.

  • Introduction
  • Mexico: Country of migration
    • Country of origin
    • Country of transit
    • Country of destination
  • Migration policy in Mexico: Objectives and programmes
    • Objectives of a migration policy
    • Operational implementation of public migration policy through the Paisano and Grupos Beta programmes
    • Best practices
    • Partnerships
    • Replicability
  • Programa Paisano: Welcome home
    • In the beginning
    • Mission, vision and objective
    • Scope and operation
    • Services provided
    • The Paisano Guide
    • Human resources
    • Building partnerships
  • Grupos Beta: The humanitarian arm of the National Migration Institute
    • In the beginning
    • Objectives
    • Operational presence in Mexico
    • Services provided
    • Human and material resources
    • Building partnerships
  • Conclusions