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IOM Resettlement 2018

The UN Migration Agency plays a key role in global resettlement. Providing essential support to States resettling refugees and other humanitarian entrants is a fundamental purpose of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and among its largest ongoing activities. Along the resettlement continuum from identification to integration, IOM works in four main areas: case management, health assessments and related assistance, movement management and operations, and addressing integration pre-departure and post-arrival.

The safe and dignified resettlement of refugees and other humanitarian entrants requires a comprehensive, humane approach – one which recognizes the interdependencies of travel, health and integration as integral components of the resettlement process. Certain essential elements of movement operations benefit both the beneficiaries and the States undertaking to receive them. IOM believes that this holds true regardless of the type of scheme, the destination country or the profile of the migrants and refugees being assisted. At the earliest opportunity prior to departure, it is important that each refugee is well informed and empowered, proper care is given to their health and well-being, and necessary arrangements are in place for their safe travel and meaningful integration. These equally important and specialized areas of work support people with significant vulnerability who have fled from conflict, violence and disaster and who may have been living in exile for years with interrupted health care, work and education.

Resettlement is a protection tool to meet the specific needs of refugees, it’s a durable solution and a demonstration of international solidarity and responsibility-sharing.  It allows many people to begin life anew who would otherwise have neither home nor country to call their own. Annually, IOM supports some 40 States to carry out resettlement, relocation, and humanitarian admissions schemes for refugees and other vulnerable persons. In 2017, around 138,000 persons travelled under IOM auspices through these programmes with significant operations out of Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, Afghanistan, Italy, Jordan, Iraq, Kenya, Nepal and Ethiopia. Given the high needs and lack of available places for resettlement, IOM continues to engage with actors on increasing accessibility to safe and legal pathways.

  • I . Purpose and Partnership
    • IOM's Mandate
    • Resettlement and Relocation
    • Complementary Pathways
    • Overview of Global Resettlement Operations
  • II. Renewed International Commitment to Safe Migration
    • Sustainable Development Goals
    • New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants
  • III . Core Areas of Work Along the Resettlement Continuum
    • Overview of the Four Core Areas
    • Case Management
    • Health Assessments and Related Assistance
    • Movement Management and Operations
    • Addressing Integration Pre-Departure and Post-Arrival
  • IV. Emerging Resettlement Countries Mechanism (ERCM)
    • How the ERCM Works
  • V. Two Principles for Programming
    • Refugee-centred Programmes
    • Linking Pre-Departure and Post-Arrival to Facilitate the Integration Process
  • VI. Annexes
    • Flow Chart of Activities
    • Overview of Activities by Resettlement Country
    • Description of Activities per Core Area
    • One Day in Resettlement: Map of Air Movements on 16 May 2017
    • One Day Statistics on 16 May 2017
    • Dedication Page to Airline Partner