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Year of Publication

International Migration, Vol. 53(2) 2015

International Migration is a refereed bimonthly review of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on current migration issues as analysed by demographers, economists, and sociologists all over the world. The journal is edited by Carleton University and published online by Wiley. The editor at Carleton University is responsible for the direction and content of the journal.

  • Issue Information
  • Editorial for International Migration, Issue 53 (2)
  • Decreasing the Recent Immigrant Earnings Gap: The Impact of Canadian Credential Attainment by Rupa Banerjee and Byron Y. Lee
  • Chinese Migrants' Class Mobility in Hong Kong by Chau-kiu Cheung and Kwan-kwok Leung
  • How Contexts of Reception Matter: Comparing Peruvian Migrants’ Economic Trajectories in Japan and the US by Ayumi Takenaka and Karsten Paerregaard
  • Mexican Immigrants, Labour Market Assimilation and the Current Population: The Sensitivity of Results Across Seemingly Equivalent Surveys by Fernando A. Lozano and Todd Sorensen
  • Business and Social Profiles of Immigrant-Owned Small Firms: The Case of Pakistani Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Greece by Daphne Halkias
  • Does Economic Crisis Always Harm International Migrants? Longitudinal Evidence from Ecuadorians in Barcelona by C. O. N. Moser and Philipp Horn
  • The UK Migrant Cap, Migrant Mobility and Employer Implications by Lisa Scullion and Simon Pemberton
  • Understanding the Socioeconomic Status of International Immigrants in Chile Through Hierarchical Cluster Analysis: a Population-Based Study by Baltica Cabieses, Helena Tunstall and Kate Pickett
  • Working for a Better Life: Longitudinal Evidence on the Predictors of Employment Among Recently Arrived Refugee Migrant Men Living in Australia by Ignacio Correa-Velez, Adrian G. Barnett and Sandra Gifford
  • The Occupational Integration of Male Migrants in Western European Countries: Assimilation or Persistent Disadvantage? by Gabriele Ballarino and Nazareno Panichella
  • Impugning the Humanitarian Defence by Scott D Watson
  • Let States Nominate Immigrants? Reconsidering US Immigrant Entry Policymaking by Andrew Thangasamy
  • International Migration, Immigration Policy and Welfare Spending by Noel Gaston
  • Feeding the Ties to “Home”: Diaspora Policies for the Next Generations by Rilke Mahieu