Original Language
ISSN 0020-7985431-2
Number of Pages
363 pages
Year of Publication

International Migration, Vol. 43(1-2) 2005

International Migration is a refereed quarterly review of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on current migration issues as analysed by demographers, economists, and sociologists all over the world. The journal is edited at Georgetown University's Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM) and published and distributed by Blackwell Publishing. The editors at ISIM are responsible for the direction and content of the journal.

  • Data and Research on Human Trafficking by Frank Laczko
  • Describing the Unobserved: Methodological Challenges in Empirical Studies on Human Trafficking by Guri Tyldum and Anette Brunovskis
  • Methodological Challenges in Research with Trafficked Persons: Tales from the Field by Denise Brennan
  • Designing Trafficking Research from a Labour Market Perspective: The ILO Experience by Beate Andrees and Mariska N.J. van der Linden
  • Review of Research and Data on Human Trafficking in sub-Saharan Africa by Aderanti Adepoju
  • Research on Human Trafficking in North America: A Review of Literature by Elzbieta M. Gozdziak and Elizabeth A. Collett
  • A Review of Recent OAS Research on Human Trafficking in the Latin American and Caribbean Region by Laura Langberg
  • Treading along a Treacherous Trail: Research on Trafficking in Persons in South Asia by A.K.M. Masud Ali
  • Human Trafficking in East Asia: Current Trends, Data Collection, and Knowledge Gaps by June JH Lee
  • A Problem by a Different Name? A Review of Research on Trafficking in South-East Asia and Oceania by Nicola Piper
  • “You Can Find Anything You Want”: A Critical Reflection on Research on Trafficking in Persons within and into Europe by Liz Kelly
  • A Review of Recent Research on Human Trafficking in the Middle East by Giuseppe Calandruccio
  • Human Trafficking: Bibliography by Region by Romaine Farquet, Heikki Mattila and Frank Laczko
  • Second Conference on Identifying and Serving Child Victims of Trafficking by Micah Bump, Julianne Duncan, Elzbieta Gozdziak and Margaret MacDonnell

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