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International Dialogue on Migration No. 19 - Economic Cycles, Demographic Change and Migration

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On 12 and 13 September 2011, IOM held a workshop on “Economic Cycles, Demographic Change and Migration” in Geneva, Switzerland as part of its annual International Dialogue on Migration (IDM). The IOM membership had selected this workshop topic as part of the 2011 IDM theme, The Future of Migration: Building Capacities for Change. The workshop was attended by government representatives from around the world, non-governmental and international organizations, academics and other experts. 
A guiding theme of the workshop was the notion that migration is inevitable and essential for economic growth and competitiveness given the global and regional labour market and demographic trends. Effective governance of migration in this context must not only reconcile short- and long-term priorities, but also balance the interests, needs and rights of migrants, countries of origin, and countries of destination.
The present report categorizes the experiences, policies and practices highlighted by participants at the workshop into five areas for capacity-building which received particular emphasis during the course of the discussions: 1) Capacities to align migration policy with priorities in other policy domains; 2) Capacities and policy options to promote circular and temporary forms of mobility; 3) Migrant-centred approaches, focussing on rights, skills and human capital; 4) Knowledge, data, monitoring and evaluation capacities in regard to labour markets, economic cycles and demographic trends; 5) Capacities to enhance cooperation and migration governance.
  • Chair’s Summary
  • Workshop Report
    •     Introduction
    •     Scope and purpose of the workshop
    •     Deliberations and recommendations of the workshop
    •     Conclusion
  • Migrant’s Voice
  • Agenda and Background Paper
    •     Agenda
    •     Background paper