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Human Trafficking: Manual for Teachers (Revised edition) (Armenian)

Human Trafficking: Manual for Teachers (Revised edition) (Armenian)

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The Teacher’s book is part of an education kit prepared by IOM for schoolchildren aged 15-17.  The kit comprises “Human Trafficking: Students Book”; “Human Trafficking: Teacher’s Book”; “Human Trafficking: Booklet for Parents;” pocket-size info card; poster; educational video and PSA.  The Teacher’s Book was recommended by the National Institute of Education of the Republic of Armenia as a supplemental manual for high schools.

The manual incorporates three parts. The first part focuses on theoretical framework of trafficking issues and provides teaching materials for diverse audiences.

The second part describes eight lessons of the basic course on human exploitation.

The third part of the manual highlights modern strategies and techniques used in education to initiate a constructive and interactive course on human trafficking issues.  

The manual aims also to inform the public at large about human trafficking consisting in the exploitation of persons and prevent the rates and consequences of this crime which is today at the center of growing public attention worldwide.  

This manual was prepared and published within the framework of IOM’s Regional Project “Secondary School Education to Contribute to the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia” funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

  • Part 1. Theory
  • Chapter 1. Nature of human trafficking and its extreme danger for the society
  • Chapter 2. Human trafficking as a form of transnational organized crime
  • Chapter 3. Elements of crime of trafficking in persons stipulated in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia
  • Chapter 4. Gender inequality and globalization as triggers of trafficking
  • Chapter 5. Market demand as locomotive power of trafficking
  • Chapter 6. Youth as risk group for trafficking
  • Chapter 7. Prevention of human trafficking
  • Chapter 8. Support and protection for victims of human trafficking
  • Chapter 9. Cooperation in anti-trafficking actions
  • Chapter 10. Anti-trafficking action in Armenia
  • Part 2. Didactic course
  • Lesson 1. Definition of human trafficking
  • Lesson 2. Triggers and factors of human trafficking
  • Lesson 3. Forms of human trafficking
  • Lesson 4. Forms of human trafficking (continuation)
  • Lesson 5. Youth as a special risk group for human trafficking
  • Lesson 6. Concept of victim behavior
  • Lesson 7. Prevention of human trafficking
  • Lesson 8. Support and assistance to victims of trafficking
  • Appendix 1
  • Appendix 2
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
  • Societies
  • Part 3. Methodological guide
  • Mosaic method
  • Case study
  • Project method
  • Bibliography on interactive teaching methods and role-plays
  • Bibliography
  • List of documentary and feature films related to human trafficking and slavery

This publication has been issued without formal editing by the Publications Unit of IOM.