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Human trafficking in Eastern Africa

Research Assessment and Baseline Information in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, and Burundi

After the dissolution of the Former Soviet Union, the area of the current 12 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) became a widely used corridor for irregular migration and trafficking in human beings, both from within and outside the region. Lack of relevant legislation and needed administrative institution have continued to give traffickers and smugglers an unnecessary advantage to carry on their activities. However the CIS States have made significant headway in creating capacities and adhering to international cooperation to tackle the illegal migration in the region. A large number of international organizations, including IOM, are present in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region and are involved in assisting the host governments in establishing national counter-trafficking policies, conducting preventive information campaigns, implementing research and providing assistance to victims of trafficking.

This report looks at the latest trafficking trends as they affect each of the 12 countries, and assesses the institutional and legal frameworks to combat trafficking. International cooperation is also studied and needed further action pointed out.

  • Acknowledgements
  • Executive Summary
    • 1.0 Introduction
      • Background
      • Research objectives
    • 2.0 Literature Review
      • Push factors
      • Pull factors
      • Trafficking flows
      • Impact of trafficking on individuals and communities
    • 3.0 Methodology
      • Research sites and participants
      • Sampling
      • Data collection instruments
      • Limitations
    • 4.0 Facilitating Factors
      • Migration
      • Supply and demand for labour in the context of poverty
      • Aspirations
      • Armed conflict
      • Natural disasters and health crises, including HIV and AIDS
      • Governance
      • Crime and law enforcement
      • Child labour and fostering
      • Gender roles
      • Marriage, sexual relations, and gender based violence
    • 5.0 Perceptions of Trafficking
      • Perceptions of awareness
      • Perceptions of trafficking in organs
      • Perceptions on origin, transit, and destination
    • 6.0 Victims of Trafficking: Profiling and Experiences
      • Victim profiles
      • Trafficking experiences
    • 7.0 Human Trafficker Profiling
      • Trafficked person responses
      • Trafficker and proxy trafficker interviews
    • 8.0 Health Risks for Trafficked Persons and Impact on Life Opportunities
      • Health risks for trafficked persons
      • Impact on life opportunities
    • 9.0 Conclusions and Recommendations
      • Conclusions
      • Recommendations
  • Annex 1: Bibliography
  • Annex 2: Challenges with sampling
  • Annex 3: Data processing and analysis
  • Annex 4: Occupational and service categories used in coding