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Extended Migration Profile of the Republic of Moldova 2007-2012

(Second Edition)

This second Extended Migration Profile (EMP) Report of Moldova is a country-owned tool, prepared in consultation with a broad range of government and non-government stakeholders, to be used in enhancing policy coherence, evidence-based policy-making and mainstreaming migration into development planning. This EMP Report represents a continuation of the EMP exercise initiated by IOM Moldova in 2010. As the consultation and ownership by the national counterpart appeared as a sine qua non for this tool to guarantee the sustainability of the EMP exercise, it was approved by the Government that the Bureau of Migration and Asylum (BMA) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs takes over the functions of regularly producing the EMP jointly with the technical working group as a body to coordinate these activities at government expert level, thus taking over the process from IOM Moldova. This second EMP edition mostly follows the first IOM-developed patterns and comports four elementary blocks of information and analysis: Part A – Migration Trends; Part B – Migration Impact; Part C – Migration Management Framework; and Part D – Main Findings. This Report is based on nationally and internationally available statistical and administrative data, collected for the reference period 2007–2012, and evidence from secondary sources as well as legal, regulatory and policy documents.

  • Content
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • List of Abbreviations
  • Introduction and acknowledgements
  • Key Data
  • Executive Summary
  • Part A: Migration Trends
  • Part B: Migration Impact
  • Part C: Migration Management Framework
  • Part D: Key Findings, Policies’ Implications and Recommendations
  • Annexes