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Data Bulletin Series: Informing the Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration

The “Data Bulletin Series: Informing the Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration” contains 17 Data Bulletins produced by IOM as well as external experts and partner agencies. It spans a broad range of topics covered by the Global Compact for Migration, highlighting currently available data sources as well as data gaps and challenges relevant to each of them. Each Data Bulletin contains illustrative examples of initiatives and recommendations of investments needed to strengthen the evidence base underpinning the respective thematic area. This collection, released ahead of the Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration taking place in Marrakesh on 10 and 11 December, is meant to provide a useful resource for decision-makers as they begin to think about implementation of the Global Compact for Migration and the related data needs.

"This publication has been issued without formal revision by IOM."

  • Acknowledgements
  • Advisory Board
  • Introduction
    • Frank Laczko, Emma Borgnäs and Marzia Rango
  • Part I: Objective 1 of the Global Compact for Migration in focus
    • Improving data for safe, orderly and regular migration
      • Jean-Christophe Dumont, Bela Hovy, Keiko Osaki Tomita and Frank Laczko
    • Measuring migration governance
      • IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC)
    • More than numbers: The value of migration data
      • IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC)
    • Big data and migration
      • Marzia Rango and Michele Vespe
    • Quantifying displacement and mobility
      • IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM)
    • Migration Profiles
      • Emma Borgnäs
    • Disaggregating census data by migratory status
      • Kristen Jeffers
  • Part II: Data availability, gaps and challenges on selected topics
    • Global migration trends
      • IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC)
    • Recruitment costs
      • Philip Martin
    • Migrant and displaced children
      • Claus Hansen, Danzhen You and Jan Beise
    • Gender dimensions of migration
      • Gemma Hennessey, Marta Foresti and Jessica Hagen-Zanker
    • Migrant deaths and disappearances
      • Julia Black
    • Irregular migration and migrant smuggling
      • Tuesday Reitano and Nina Kaysser
    • Human trafficking
      • Naomi Grant, Harry Cook and Eliza Galos
    • Migrants’ access to basic services
      • Gemma Hennessey and Jessica Hagen-Zanker
    • Public opinion on migration
      • James Dennison
    • Assisted voluntary return and reintegration
      • Nicola Graviano
  • Improving migration data to implement the Global Compact for Migration
  • Annex