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Assessing the Evidence: Environment, Climate Change and Migration in Bangladesh

The study brings together existing evidence on the climate change, environment and migration nexus in Bangladesh. The evidence in the document comes from a wide variety of sources and studies, including Government of Bangladesh statistics and policy documents, academic research, working papers and other publications and research carried out by national, bilateral and multilateral organizations, NGOs and research institutions.  In addition, meetings were held with a number of key experts in Bangladesh and the research also draws extensively on IOM’s growing body of work on this topic globally.

The study provides an overview of the international discourse on environment, climate change and migration, outlining current thinking within this complex and increasingly visible policy debate. Turning to Bangladesh, it provides a brief outline of the country and developmental achievements and challenges, moving on to an in-depth exploration of the role of the environment and climate change in shaping the country’s long-term development and migration dynamics.  Following this, the existing policy framework is outlined and a ‘policy toolkit’ of potential policy options and priorities identified, before a brief conclusion sums up the report’s main findings.

  • Foreword by Dr. Hasan Mahmud
  • Executive Summary
  • Section One: Assessing the evidence
  • Overview of environment, climate change and migration
  • Environmental change and migration - The evidence
  • Climate change and migration - The evidence
  • Critical issues for Bangladesh
  • Background
  • Key challenges: The migration, environment and climate change nexus
  • Toolkit for policymakers
  • Conclusion
  • Section Two: Event report - Policy dialogue
  • Introduction
  • Opening plenary
  • Working groups
  • Final plenary
  • Ways forward
  • Annexes