Addressing Human Trafficking and Exploitation in Times of Crisis- Evidence and Recommendations for Further Action to Protect Vulnerable and Mobile Populations I December 2015 (Spanish)
Although human trafficking has gathered momentum and several international organizations have developed approaches to address it, the phenomenon remains a serious crime, with grave human rights concerns, that is largely overlooked in crisis situations. In addition, human trafficking is typically not considered a direct consequence of crisis. This misplaced assumption, coupled with the fact that counter-trafficking efforts are not necessarily understood as an immediate life-saver in crisis, often hampers the humanitarian response to human trafficking cases, particularly in terms of identification of and assistance to victims.
In reality, as the newly published IOM report Addressing Human Trafficking and Exploitation in Times of Crisis reveals these efforts are a matter of life and livelihood for victims of trafficking and should therefore be considered with as much priority as for any other crisis-affected population and be addressed at the outset of a crisis. The report recommends that human trafficking in times of crisis be urgently included in the humanitarian community, with support from both emergency and development donor communities.
This report includes the full findings of the research and presents an expanded focus and new evidence from recent crisis, as compared with the Findings and Recommendations version published in June 2015. The report can be downloaded at: https://publications.iom.int/system/files/addressing_human_trafficking.pdf
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- Introduction
- Part I Human Trafficking and Exploitation in Times of Crisis
- Putting the trafficking and exploitation of crisis-affected populations on the agenda
- Why human trafficking is overlooked in times of crisis
- Part II Case Studies
- Armed conflicts
- Libya
- Iraq
- Syrian Arab Republic
- Yemen crisis (2015)
- Disasters
- 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami
- 2010 Haiti earthquake
- 2015 Nepal earthquake
- Mixed flows and complex migratory settings
- The Horn of Africa towards North Africa or across the Gulf of Aden to Yemen, en route to the GCC
- Armed conflicts
- Part III Best Practices
- Haiti – establishing a rapid response team to address vulnerabilities at border posts
- The Philippines – Integrated humanitarian response in regions prone to trafficking in persons
- Nepal – Integrating CT efforts into in all sectoral activities in humanitarian response
- Human trafficking concerns in natural disasters – Inter-agency guidelines
- IOM/UNHCR framework document – Developing SOPs to facilitate the protection of trafficked persons
- Building regional capacity and responses: The case of MENA
- The Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) Initiative
- Part IV Analysis: The Nexus Between Trafficking and Crisis Settings
- Risk factors for vulnerable populations
- At-risk populations
- Protection gaps
- Part V Recommended Response Strategy
- Collective and shared responsibility
- Recommendations
- Specific parameters of response: Before, during and after
- Bibliography