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International Migration Vol. 57 (1) February 2019

International Migration is a refereed bimonthly review of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on current migration issues as analysed by demographers, economists, and sociologists all over the world. The journal is edited by Carleton University and published and distributed by Wiley. The editor at Carleton University is responsible for the direction and content of the journal.

  • Editorial by Howard Duncan
    • The Migration Archipelago: Social Navigation and Migrant Agency by Anna Triandafyllidou
    • Deciding Where to go: Policies, People and Perceptions Shaping Destination Preferences by Heaven Crawley and Jessica Hagen-Zanker
    • Linking Migration Intentions with Flows: Evidence and Potential Use by Jasper Tjaden, Daniel Auer and Frank Laczko
    • The Americas’ Multi-Polar Displacements as A New Pattern in Haitian-French Guyanese Migrations by Romanovski Zéphirin
    • Internal Migration in Spain: Dealing with Multilateral Resistance and Nonlinearites by Adolfo Maza, María Gutiérrez-Portilla, María Hierro and José Villaverde
    • The National Laws of Myanmar: Making of Statelessness for the Rohingya by Archana Parashar and Jobair Alam
    • State Immigration Policies: The Role of State Compacts and Interest Groups on Immigration Legislation by Erin Trouth Hofmann, Paul Jacobs and Peggy Petrzelka
    • A Needs and Readiness Assessment of the United States Refugee Resettlement Program: Focus on Syrian Asylum-Seekers and Refugees by Damir Utržan, Elizabeth Wieling and Timothy Piehler
    • Corruption, Policing and Migration: Exploring the Interaction Between Migrant Workers and Police in Russia, Ukraine and the UK by Anna Markovska, Alexey Serdyuk and Valerii Sokurenko
    • Protection of Migrants from Extradition in Serbia due to Risk of Persecution by Ivana Krstić and Marko Davinić
    • A move in the Right Direction? The Model Law against Trafficking in Persons and the ILO Operational Indicators by Ramona Vijeyarasa
    • The Hunted: UDHR and Africans with Albinism by Bright Nkrumah
    • (Re)producing Statelessness via Indirect Gender Discrimination: Descendants of Haitian Migrants in the Dominican Republic by Allison J. Petrozziello
    • Implementing and Rethinking the European Union's Asylum Legislation: The Asylum Procedures Directive by Karin Schittenhelm
    • Race, Wealth and the Masking of Opposition to Immigrants in the Netherlands by Mathew J. Creighton, Peter Schmidt and Diana Zavala-Rojas
    • Does Poverty Among Immigrants Adapt to Country of Residence? Turks in Germany and Denmark by Asena Caner and Peder J. Pedersen
    • Explaining Native-Migrant Differences in Parental Knowledge about the German Educational System by David Kretschmer
    • Does Country Context Matter? Sub-Saharan and North African Immigrants’ Labour Market Outcomes in France and Spain by Rebbeca Tesfai
    • Cultural Capital of Recruitment Decision-Makers and its Influence on their Perception of Person-Organisation Fit of Skilled Migrants by Shamika Almeida, Marie-France Waxin and Yin Paradies

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