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Enhancing migration data management in Kenya: Assessment and recommendations

Migration data management is a key tool to assess migration flows as well as to build and implement development-oriented policies. In a context of complex regional population movements, it is crucial for Kenya to enhance its capacity to collect, analyze and share migration data to increase the connection between migration and development.

Carried out in cooperation with various Kenyan government institutions and international organizations working in the country, this study shows that Kenya has rich sources of migration-related data. However, the study reveals some remaining gaps in the migration data management. The lack of institutional cooperation and the underutilization of existing migration data hamper effective analysis and the subsequent policymaking process.

The study provides essential recommendations for an improvement of migration data management over the short, medium and long term. Key recommendations include capacity-building initiatives in migration data collection, analysis, and sharing, as well as a streamlining and better integration of human resources and IT infrastructure.

  • List of acronyms
  • List of annexes
  • List of tables
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Methodology and objectives
  • 3. Existing migration data: Sources and availability
  • 4. Migration data management: Current practices
    • A) Data processing, storage and archiving
    • B) Backup procedures
    • C) Data sharing
    • D) Data protection
    • E) Physical resources: hardware, software, facilities and network connectivity
    • F) Human resources
    • G) Legislation, rules and regulations
  • 5. Gaps
    • A) Existing migration data : Sources and availability
    • B) Migration Data Management : Current practices
  • 6. Key recommendations
    • A) Short term
    • B) Medium term
    • C) Long term
  • 7. References
  • 8. Annexes