Original Language
Number of Pages
93 pages
Year of Publication

HIV/AIDS and Mobile Populations in the Caribbean: A Baseline Assessment

Through an analysis of the existing literature and national policies, interviews with key informants, and a survey of target mobile populations identified as potentially vulnerable, the study revealed the following:

HIV/AIDS is a growing problem in the Caribbean, made more complex by the high level of population mobility in the region; Increased AIDS funding in the Caribbean is creating implementation challenges; mobile populations must be an integral part of this response; HIV/AIDS testing, care and treatment services are uneven across the Caribbean region; mobile populations (particularly irregular migrants) have limited access to AIDS care; Young women in particular are at risk for HIV-infection in the Caribbean; Mandatory HIV testing is a problem that needs to be addressed in the region; High mobility does not necessarily lead to vulnerability to HIV infection; high-risk behaviors together with high mobility lead to greater vulnerability to HIV infection; Irregular migration, such as trafficking in persons, has been recognized as a problem which may be contributing to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the Caribbean.

The report finds that it is essential to include mobile populations in the response to HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean in order to improve their access to HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment. Future interventions must also address trafficking in persons, as well as the specific needs of young women and girls.


  • Introduction
  • Mobility and HIV/AIDS
  • Background
  • Migration and Mobility in the Caribbean
  • HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean
  • Methodology 
  • Main Findings 
  • Migration and Mobility in Selected Countries 
  • HIV/AIDS in Selected Countries 
  • Sex Workers in Selected Countries 
  • Petty Traders in Selected Countries
  • Limitations 
  • Conclusions 
  • Recommendations 
  • Bibliography 
  • Annexes A-D