Migration Policy Practice (Vol. V, Number 5, December 2015-January 2016)
The new issue of Migration Policy Practice focuses on expected migration trends in the Global South, namely Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, the Gulf and Latin America. Much media and policy attention is currently focused on the rise in migration flows to Europe. But how is migration changing in the rest of the world? What are the expected key migration challenges for policymakers in developing countries in 2016? We asked some of the world´s leading experts on migration to try to look ahead and assess how migration and migration policy are likely to change in “their” regions in 2016.
In the case of Africa, much of the policy attention is currently focused on the flows of irregular migrants to Europe.
For most of Asia, the fall in oil prices could be a huge gain and facilitate recovery or spur faster growth within the region.
Similarly, as the Gulf region has become the largest destination area for Asian migrant workers, the fall in the price of oil could seriously reduce the demand for migrants from Asia.
On the other side of the world, migration patterns in the Caribbean are also likely to change in 2016. Several Caribbean islands have seen a significant increase in the number of asylum claims from Syrians over the last year and this trend is expected to continue.
In Latin America, the major challenges are similar to those in 2015 – the protection of the rights of migrants, the lack of coherence between migration and other policies, and the need to improve cooperation and dialogue between States.
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Read More
- Introduction Outlook for Migration in the Global South in 2016 by Solon Ardittis and Frank Laczko
- Outlook on migration in Africa in 2016 by Aderanti Adepoju
- Outlook on migration in Asia in 2016 by Manolo Abella
- Outlook on migration in the Caribbean in 2016 by Joanne van Selm
- Outlook on migration in the Gulf in 2016 by Nasra M. Shah
- Outlook on migration in Latin America in 2016 by William Mejía
- Publications
- MPP Readers’ Survey