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Mainstreaming Migration into Development Planning: A Handbook for Policy-makers and Practitioners

This Handbook, initiated by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and further developed with the contributions of the Global Migration Group (GMG), is the result of a collaborative and fruitful cooperation between the 16 GMG agencies. 

The Handbook is divided into three main sections. The first section gives a migration and development overview – delineating how migration and development are linked and demonstrating the potential benefits of mainstreaming migration into development planning. The second section outlines processes for mainstreaming migration into development planning and describes the institutional structures and policy frameworks that need to be put into place in order to effectively integrate migration into the development planning cycle. The final section of the Handbook is intended to be a reference section, offering ideas as well as inspiration for action. This section provides a compilation of migration and development program experiences and ideas that illustrate how migration can be used to promote development in a practical way, through programmes, interventions and projects.

To assist the reader develop a more in depth understanding of the issues, several annexes are included in the Handbook, containing supplemental reference material. Complementary training materials and additional tools to aid the operationalization of the Handbook will be developed by the IOM and UNDP co-chaired Working Group of the GMG in due course.


     ●  Part 1: Migration and development overview

          • Linkages between international migration and development

          • Benefits of mainstreaming migration into development

          • The ‘3Ts’ approach

          • Current status of mainstreaming migration

     ●  Part 2: How to mainstream migration into development planning

          • Overview 

          • Institutional and policy framework

          • Mainstreaming processes as part of development planning

          • Conditions for successful mainstreaming

          • Preparatory activities

          • Verifying that mainstreaming will add value to national policies

         • Setting up the core team

         • Raising awareness

         • Scoping exercise and M&D mainstreaming proposal

         • Development planning cycle

         • Situation analysis and assessment

         • Strategic goals and priorities

         • Action/programme planning

         • Capacity development and financing mechanisms

         • Implementation

         • Monitoring and evaluation

         • Regional dimension

         • Summary

     ●  Part 3: Compilation of programme experiences on migration and development

         • Governance

         • Legal protection

         • Employment 

         • Social protection

         • Health services

         • Education

         • Tertiary education, knowledge and skills development

         • Economic growth

         • Financial services

         • Trade

         • Agriculture and rural development

         • Infrastructure

         • Environment

     ●  Annexes