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Year of Publication

Asylum Procedures: Report on Policies and Practices in IGC Participating States (2012)

The 2012 Report on Asylum Procedures in IGC Participating States comes at a time when asylum flows into states have shifted and the process of harmonization at the European level is continuing apace against the backdrop of the economic crisis. Since the last report in 2009, some states have undergone a complete overhaul of their asylum procedures, and many have introduced changes to improve quality, integrity and efficiency of procedures and practices, and to tackle abuses.

With information sourced directly from governments, the report provides an authoritative account of asylum procedures as they are practiced in IGC States today.

The Report includes:

  • 17 standardized country reports on asylum policy and asylum determination practices as well as information on pre-entry measures, decision-making, reception, return and integration.
  • statistical data on applications and decisions in each country report
  • annexes on comparative statistical data and extracts of regional and international law and EXCOM conclusions relevant to asylum procedures.

As questions of achieving more efficient and fair asylum procedures continue to preoccupy experts both inside and outside governments, the 2012 Asylum Procedures report serves as a useful resource for better understanding current State policy and practice.

Note: government officials from IGC Participating States can order a hardcopy of the report free of charge by contacting the IGC Secretariat directly (info@igc-publications.ch).