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Assessment of health related factors affecting reintegration of migrants in Armenia (Armenian)

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The report assesses the relevant laws, policies, services and infrastructures available in Armenia for returning migrants with acute health problems and their degree of implementation.  It identifies the gaps in health care system for migrants and returnees with medical problems and suggests specific recommendations to this end.  The report dwells on the access of returnees and migrants to the public and private health care systems, the costs involved, analyses on the insurance system available for various categories of migrants.

The assessment methodology included desk review, information gathering, questionnaires, interviews with the relevant stakeholders [Ministry of Health of Armenia; returning migrants; members of the families, relatives or social network of returning migrants; health care workers; organizations providing reintegration assistance; Insurance companies, research institutions in the field].  The report has the following structure: (i) Health care system in Armenia; (ii) Migration, Return, and Reintegration in Armenia; (iii) Findings; (iv) Recommendations, as well as appendices. 

Assessment was conducted and the report was published within the framework of IOM’s “Measures to Enhance the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration of Migrants with a Chronic Medical Condition Residing in the EU” (AVRR-MC) Regional Project funded by the European Return Fund and the Government of the Netherlands.  

Parts of this assessment were included in IOM publication “Challenges in the reintegration of return migrants suffering from chronic medical conditions.  Assessments conducted in Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ghana, Kosovo/UNSC 1244, Mongolia and Morocco”.  In Armenia however, the assessment has a larger scope, included additional issues, and was therefore published as a separate report.

  • Acknowledgements
  • List of abbreviations
  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • Assessment methodology
  • Health care system in Armenia
  • Migration, return, and reintegration in Armenia
  • Findings
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion and recommendations
  • References
  • Appendix 1. List of socially disadvantaged and separate/special/ groups entitled to receive state-guaranteed free-of-charge medical care and services
  • Appendix 2. List of study participants
  • Appendix 3. Guides for in-depth interviews
  • Appendix 4. Consent form for returnees

This publication has been issued without formal editing by the Publications Unit of IOM.