IOM Road Map on Alternatives to Migration Detention: Tools Series N°1

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IOM Road Map on Alternatives to Migration Detention: Tools Series N°1

The IOM ATD Series is a set of tools aimed at guiding IOM staff and other interested stakeholders in conceiving, developing, implementing and advocating alternatives to detention (ATD).

To uphold the human rights principle that migration detention should be a measure of last resort, States  need to move towards ATD. International organizations and civil society organizations have the responsibility to support State efforts to do so.

This series of tools builds on IOM’s operational experience with various ATD elements and draws on tools and materials developed by other key stakeholders.

This ATD road map outlines a non-prescriptive process to progressively develop migration governance systems that prevent the unnecessary detention of migrants through the use of alternative options in the community. While the road map has primarily been conceived as a tool to guide the work of IOM staff, other stakeholders working on ATD in the context of migration may also find it useful.

  • Step 1 – Baseline research on immigration detention in the country/region
  • Step 2 – Existing alternatives to detention context analysis
  • Step 3 – Develop a national/regional action plan on alternatives 1
  • Step 4 – Monitoring and evaluation
  • Step 5 - Scaling up successful ATD